The best short golf course in the country is right here. Arrowtown is 20 kilometres from the tourist mecca of Queenstown. Arrowtown Golf Club takes on the best in the land golf in the haven that is central Otago.
At 5,409 metres it doesn’t need big hits, but it does need your attention. The scenery is majestic and the golf is very enjoyable. Some call it Narrowtown, you’ll call it that also when you stand on the tee boxes looking at your driver wondering if you should put it back in the bag.
The club was established as 6 holes in 1911, they didn’t last too long and disbanded. But in 1936 the club was reborn as 9 holes, forty-odd years later in 1971, the club extended across the road to make the full 18 holes.
The course was fully irrigated in 2001 and it moved from a quirky little course threaded through rocky little valleys with impossible greens to a masterpiece of a course punching its weight with the best in the league.

166,Centennial Avenue Arrowtown 9371