In the hills of South Otago, the little town of Clinton has a golf hub worth a visit. The course is 9 holes, formed back in 1937. The town is called the five-horse town with 5 Clydesdale sculptures created to celebrate the long agricultural history. There were 3 horses, but with inflation and progression, they are now 5.
For the $15 green fee, you will get a fair and challenging wee course. The fairways are wide in places but there are enough trees to keep you focused. The downhill first is called “Popotunoa”, named after the hill reserve in the distance.

The greens are soft and typical for a rural course. Flat, small and approachable. The rolling course is an easy walk in pleasant surroundings.

“Little Moe” the 6th is 118 metres over a gully with the road terribly close behind the green. A great wee hole you should play once in your golfing life.

Clinton Golf Club is a testiment to a small town who have maintained an excellent local golfing facility for the community to enjoy.
27 Merrie Creek Road, Clinton 9584